Musings of a simple lawyer on things other than the law

frustration with https

by Hyun Kim, on February 24, 2025


Problem is, it takes too long for an iteration. Like 24-48 hours. Really.

No progress. And, for the other site, content is not updated. Although github action goes well. This homepage, too. Great.

No idea how to proceed. So, I have two problems:

  1. No domain for the other site, and
  2. No push for both.

On the first (https) just wait. Let’s try to push this one first. OK, pushing this site worked. And, the other one, too. I think it’s somehow a glitch on github server. Just back to the start. Back to https thing, I mean. What can I do, other than waiting? Just waiting.

https trouble may have something to do with MX records, as presumably both points to ‘@’. To test this thinking, I removed MX records to point to mail instead of @. Will it work? On both sides? Let’s wait and see. At least, DNS check takes less time. On the email side, it seems working, even after change of the MX records.

github action failure

It’s rather annoying. What’s the difference between “publishing from the branch” and “github actions”? The documentation, which I should have read earlier, says something about “publishing from branch” should be an easier option than github actions. See Configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site. Coming to think about it, that’s obvious. And, for some confusing reason, I set up one site one way and the other the other, and apparently both works. Apparently sometimes.

As long as it’s working, don’t touch it.

Right? One of the pains of using jekyll scholar I guess.