Musings of a simple lawyer on things other than the law

What I did until now

by Hyun Kim, on February 22, 2025

When I decided to make this homepage, I didn’t think of anything but this set of software, Ed. on jekyll on ruby. The only thing I wondered was Where? because although I like github a lot, it wouldn’t accept my obsession with jekyll scholar, which also I like a lot. These days, you can use them as long as it’s not on the user page but a project page, I learned. Still, I hesitated, because this containerization thing sort of made me pause. Think about it: that you’re running a server to do just one thing – publishing this site, or turning it into a static site – for a period of 1 second or so, and then kill it. That looks wasteful, of a life or a life of a software or whatever. Poor server, to live such a short life and be gone… I weep for you. Further, I’m running jekyll serve all the time while writing for this site, meaning the static site was already made. So, why don’t I just rsync it or something. That was my hesitation number 1. After trying it, I didn’t like less because, well, it’s over even before you know it. Maybe it’s github’s way of educating users.

DNS is checking correctly now, but https is not working yet. Wait a couple more days?