Notes and Plans
by Hyun Kim, on March 07, 2025
My wife wants me to be her editor cum website/shopping mall manager. When it comes down to what wife says, I don’t really have a way to say no; “well…” is the best I can mutter. Plus, after I began using the AI/LLM or whatever it is, it’s not like I’m super busy. Finally, I’m not bad at both. I can handle and pandoc
and stuff pretty well, understand the networking–I mean computer sort, not mingling with people for no reason whatsoever–and, yes, I should be honest here, I like those things.
And, I have a sort of fear of missing out, not exactly financially, but I’m worried by not doing the leadership and marketing things, I’m missing out my experience of being a human-sort of way. And, as I said earlier, who can say no to your wife? That’s an existential question.
So, I chatted with the AI yesterday, who was very helpful figuring out what shopify, beehiiv and substack means and what to do about them. It’s gonna be a long weekend.
By the way, I wanted to try Zettlr but it required electron 30 despite current version is 35
or something. It’s a big headache because it’s gonna take about 100GB! My hard disk is limited–sorry–to 500GB and it’s going to take about 1/5 of the total. Is it worth it? I don’t know. Packages these days are so huge! If I want the most recent (35) and obsolete (30) together, it’ll take up half of my hard disk!
$ yay -Ps
==> Total Size occupied by packages: 26.8 GiB
==> Size of pacman cache /var/cache/pacman/pkg/: 1.3 MiB
==> Size of yay cache /mnt/my/.cache/yay: 94.6 GiB
I use 26.8 GiB for all my packages and, the cache size when I try to install zettlr (that apparently depends on electron30) reached 94.6 GiB (note I moved my yay cache to a different hard disk mounted in mnt/my
) and failed for, errors that I can’t fathom to resolve:
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
I’m giving up, not for want of persistence but disk space. I can’t give 100 GiB to try a software. By the way, I learned that I should delete pacman/yay cache periodically, by executing:
$ yay -Scc